All available profiles & templates for ShankyBot.
(last update: 01/29/2023)
The next profiles are available in 2 file type formats :
- .TXT format for ShankyBot (all versions).
- .PPL comp id locked or free format for ShankyBot (all versions).
Categories CASH: Cash 6-MaxNL + Cash 9-MaxNL + Cash FL Fixed Limit
Cash 6-Max-NL
- Above EV & Clickz 6maxNL/Speed/Rush
- Bellic 6max-NL.
- Cake Eater 6max-NL.
- Death Punch 6max-NL.
- Dominator/Dominate 6max-NL.
- Firestorm 6max-NL.
- Fish Tilter 6max-NL.
- I-poker Invasion speed (single) 6maxNL.
- I-poker Invasion normal (single) 6maxNL.
- I-poker Invasion (2-pack) 6maxNL.
- Madpoker 6maxNL.
- PokerBrat 6maxNL.
- Retribution 2.0 6maxNL.
- Robotic Lag Rush 6maxRush.
Cash Fixed Limit
- Busto2Robusto FL 6max-FL.
- Chevy FL 6max-FL.
- Klaxter FL LAG 6maxFL.
- Klaxter FL TAG 6maxFL.
- Klaxter FL Normal 6maxFL.
- TensorFLv1.2 6maxFL.
Cash 9-10max-NL
- Agripin 9max-NL.
- Bullets Rush 9max-NL.
- Chevy25NL 9max-NL.
- Disturbed Rush Killler 9max-NL.
- Donkey Nightmare 9max-NL.
- Dutch Project 25NL & Rush25NL & 9maxN.
- Endgame 6-9-10max-NL
- Firestorm Advanced Single profile 9max-NL.
- Firestorm LAG 9max-NL.
- Firestorm NIT 9max-NL.
- Great White 9max-NL.
- I-EndGame 6-9-10maxNL.
- I-EndGame TAG 6-9-10maxNL.
- Micro Monster 9maxNL.
- Micro Stakes Basic 9maxNL.
- Micro Stakes Pro 113 9maxNL.
- Micro Stakes Pro 78 9maxNL.
- Micro Stakes Pro X (MSPX) 9maxNL.
- Millennium 01 Millennium 2maxNL - 10maxNL.
- Millennium 02 Alpha beta Cash 2maxNL-10maxNL.
- Millennium 03 Microstakes alfa beta cash 2maxNL- 10max NL.
- Millennium 05 M-Donkey Style 2maxNL-10maxNL.
- Powerhouse 9maxNL.
- Ringmaster 9maxNL.
- Sc Dogfish 9maxNL.
- Sc Shark 9maxNL.
- Spirit 9maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0: 15 shallow NL cash.
- Stackhunter 2.0: 01 Quad Engine2.0.
- Stackhunter 2.0: 05 add on cash 6maxNL.
- Stackhunter 2.0: 12 add on Shortstack.
- Stackhunter 2.0: 13 add on Heads-UP.
- Stealth Cash 9maxNL.
- The Hunter 9maxNL.
- Titan 9maxNL.
- Web CashPre 9maxNL.
- Web NewCash 9maxNL.
- Web NewWebberCash 9maxNL.
- Web WebberCash 9maxNL.
- Web FL Limit 9maxFL.
- Zoom 5nl 9maxNL.
- Zulu 10nl 9maxNL.
- Foofighter 9maxNL.
- Zulu Grinder 9maxNL.
- Zulu ShakaZulu 9maxNL.
- Zulu Zugor 9maxNL.
Catagories SNG: Sng Non Turbo + Sng Turbo + Sng Super-Turbo + Sng DON + Sng Hyper Turbo + Sng Steps + Sng 2-max SNG + Sng 3-max SNG + Sng 6-max SNG + Sng 9-max SNG + Sng 10-max SNG
- AdReader Crush 9maxNL Turbo & Non Turbo.
- Aibot Bodog 9maxNL.
- Aibot FullTilt 9maxNL.
- Chaser01: ChaserSNG1 6maxNL-10maxNL SNG/MTT.
- Chaser02: ChaserSNG2 6maxNL-10maxNL SNG/MTT.
- Chaser03: Idiot Savant 6maxNL-10maxNL SNG/MTT.
- Chaser04 Chaser SNG40 6maxNL-10maxNL SNG/MTT.
- Chaser06: Mtt&SNGMtt 9maxNL-10maxNL.
- DrMTT steps SNG 9maxNL.
- DrOmaha SuperTurbo 6maxNL.
- Event Horizon 9maxNL en 10maxNL MTT & SNG.
- HeadsUp 2maxNL.
- Invictus 04: 27 man sng single stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 05: 45 man sng single stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 06: 90 man sng double stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 07: 180 man sng single stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 08: 90 man SNG KO double stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Jackal SNGMTT 9maxNL.
- Jackal STEPS 9maxNL.
- KGBv3.79 9maxNL en 10maxNL SNG + MTT.
- Millennium 06: M-Sit&Go 10maxDON + 6maxDON.
- Millennium 07: MG Don 10maxNL.
- Moshman 8max DON.
- Moshman SNG 2 pack 8maxDON+ 9maxSNG.
- Moshman 4 pack (8maxDON+ 9maxSNG) shanky + openholdem.
- Moshman SNG 6maxDON+ 9FR.
- Sonic 2max Hyper-Turbo SNG 19.50 dollar Spin & Win 3max Hyper Turbo SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-01 6max LAG SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-02 6max TAG SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-03 9max TAG SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-04 9max/10max LAG SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-10 DON 10 max SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-11 Steps 10max SNG.
- Stackhunter 2.0-01 Quad Engine2.0.
- Stackhunter 2.0-02 add on> 1 table 6max SNG.
- Stackhunter 2.0-03 add on > 1 table 9max SNG.
- Stackhunter 2.0-06 add on > Don 6 max.
- Stackhunter 2.0-07 add on > Don 10 max.
- Stackhunter 2.0-10 add on > Steps.
- Stackhunter 2.0-13 add on > Heads Up.
- Stealth DON 6maxNL & 10maxNL DON sng.
- Tyson KO 90man 9max SNG.
- UB Killer 9maxNL SNG.
- Web 6maxSNG (Turbo/nonTurbo) 6maxNL.
- Web AggKO 90man KO SNG.
- Web AggSNG 9maxNL.
- Web Chrisferguson 9-10maxNL.
- Web Roy Rounders SNG 9maxNL.
- Web Web1tableNonTurboSng 9maxNL.
- Web Web1table TurboSng 9maxNL
- Web WebTurboSng GEN-2 SNG 9-10maxNL.
- Web WebTurboSNGGen2 & Web6maxSNG combo 2 pack.
Catagories MTT: 6-maxNL MTT, 9-maxNL MTT, 10maxNL MTT, single stack MTT, double stack MTT,
- Bracelet LAG 9maxNL.
- Bracelet TAG 9maxNL.
- Bracelet MTT 9maxNL.
- Butcher MTT 9-10maxNL.
- Chaser 06 MTT & SNGMTT 9-10maxNL.
- DrMTT 9maxNL.
- Event Horizon 9max en 10maxNL MTT.
- Invictus 01 Largefield single stack MTT 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 02: Largefield for double stack MTT 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 03: Donkey Aggr freerolls & low rebuy 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 09: 2.20 mid filed double stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 11: 5.50 mid field double stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 12: FT points MTT, single stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 13: Daily Double, double stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 14: Daily double rebuy, double stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 15: Kill Rush 6-9-10maxNL.
- Ivey Wish 9maxNL.
- Jackal MTT 9maxNL.
- Jackal SNGMTT 9maxNL.
- KGBv3.79 Mtt 9-10maxNL.
- Largefield MTT 9maxNL.
- Millinnium 04: Tournament alfa beta 2-6-9-10maxNL.
- Mtt Champ 9maxNL.
- New Killer 9maxNL.
- Optimus 6-9-10maxNL.
- Stackhunter MTT 6-9maxNL.
- Stackhunter SideKick 9maxnl.
- Stackhunter Tournament 9maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0: 05 9max freeroll MTT.
- Stackhunter 1.0: 06 LargeMTT 6maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0: 07 Large Mtt 9maxNL-10 maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0 08 Light MTT 6max.
- Stackhunter 1.0: 09 Light MTT 9maxNL & 10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0: 12 Tournament 6max MTT.
- Stackhunter 1.0: 13 Tournament 9maxNL & 10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0: 14 Tournament MAX, 9maxNL.
- Stackhunter 2.0-01 Quad Engine2.0.
- Stackhunter 2.0-08 add on Freeroll MTT 6-9-10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 2.0-09 add on MTT 6-9-10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 2.0-11 add on Tournament 6-9-10maxNL.
- Stealth MTT 9maxNL en 10maxNL 10 dollar Tournament Pro 9maxNL MTT.
- Tournament Pro X 9maxNL MTT.
- Web Andybloch double stack mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Doyle Double stack mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Evelyng Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
- Web Gus Double stack mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Harrington Double Stack Mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Hellmuth mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Hilger Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
- Web Lee Double stack tourney 9maxNL..
- Web Lindgren Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
- Web WebMtt Tight 9maxNL.
- Web MTT project 6maxNL+ 9maxNL.
- Web Negreanu Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
- Web WebMttAgg 9maxNL.
- Web WebMttAggGen2 9maxNL+ 10maxNL.
- Zulu MTT 9maxNL.
(1) Chaser 7 pack 6-9-10maxNL.
- ChaserSNG-1
- ChaserSNG-2
- Chaser Idiot Savant
- ChaserSNG40
- ChaserSNGipoker6max
- ChaserSNGMTT & MTT profile
- Preflop user tempate
(2) Endgame & i-EndGame 6-9-10maxNL.
(3) Invictus SNG & MTT 15 pack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus Largefield for Single stack tournaments
- Invictus Largefield for Double stack tournaments
- Invictus Donkey aggresive freerolls
- Invictus 27 men SNG, single stack
- Invictus 45 men SNG, single stack
- Invictus 90 men SNG double stack
- Invictus 180 men SNG, single stack
- Invictus 90 men SNG KO double stack
- Invictus $2.20 SNG mid field double stack
- Invictus $2.20 SNG big field double stack
- Invictus $5.50 SNG mid field double stack
- Invictus FT50 point tournament single stack
- Invictus DD double stack
- Invictus DDR singe stack
- Invictus Kill Rush
(4) i-poker Invasion 2 pack.
- Invasion 6maxNL
- Invasion SpeedPoker
(5) Millennium 7 pack.
- Millennium 01 Millennium 2maxNL- 10maxNL 3 50 dollar
- Millennium 02 Alpha beta Cash 2maxNL-10maxNL 3.50 dollar
- Millennium 03 Microstakes alfa beta cash 2maxNL-10maxNL 3.50 dollar
- Millennium 04. Tournament alfa beta 2-6-9-10maxNL 3.50 dollar
- Millennium 05 M-Donkey Style 2maxNL-10maxNL Millennium 06: M-Sit&Go 10maxDON+ 6maxDON 3 50 dollar
- Millennium 07: MG Don 10maxNL 3.50 dollar
6) Moshman SNG 2-pack.
- 6-8max DON SNG
- FR 9maxNL SNG
7) Moshman 4 pack.
- 6-8max DON SNG Shanky
- FR 9maxNL SNG Shanky
- 6-8max DON SNG OpenHoldem
- FR 9maxNL SNG OpenHoldem
(8) Stackhunter 3 pack 6max + 9max NL.
- Tournament 90 man
- Sidekick
(9) Stackhunter1.0-15 pack
- Stackhunter 10-01 6max LAG SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-02 6max TAG SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-03 9max TAG SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-04 9max/10max LAG SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-05 9max freeroll MTT.
- Stackhunter 1.0-06 LargeMTT 6maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0-07 Large Mtt 9maxNL-10 maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0-08 Light MTT 6max.
- Stackhunter 1.0-09 Light MTT 9maxNL & 10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0-10 DON 10 max SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-11 Steps 10max SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-12 Tournament 6max MTT.
- Stackhunter 1.0-13 Tournament 9maxNL & 10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0-14 Tournament MAX, 9maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0-15 Shallow NL cash.
10) Stackhunter2.0-14 pack
- Stackhunter 2.0-01 Quad Engine2.0.
- Stackhunter 2.0-02 add on 1 table 6max SNG.
- Stackhunter 2.0-03 add on> 1 table 9max SNG.
- Stackhunter 2.0-04 add on cash 9-10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 2.0-05 add on > cash 6max.
- Stackhunter 2.0-06 add on > Don 6 max.
- Stackhunter 2.0-07 add on > Don 10 max.
- Stackhunter 2.0-08 add on Freeroll MTT 6-9-10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 2.0-09 add on MTT 6-9-10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 2.0-10 add on > Steps.
- Stackhunter 2.0-11 add on > Tournament 6-9-10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 20-12 add on > Shortstack.
- Stackhunter 2.0-13 add on > Heads Up.
- Stackhunter 2.0-14 add on > Sng template.
(11) Team Omaha Hi/Lo 7 pack
- Omaha Hi/Lo 9max cash FL v1.3
- Omaha Hi/Lo 9max cash PL v3.4
- Omaha Hi/Lo 9max MTT Limit v1.2
- Omaha Hi/Lo 9max MTT super v3.8
- Omaha Hi/Lo 9max cash NL v1.3
- Royal Hi/Lo 6max cash v1.2
- Royal Omaha Hi/Lo SNG v5.7
(12) Team Omaha-Hi PLO 6 pack
- Omaha-Hi 6max cash v6.2
- Omaha-Hi 9max SNG v1.2 LA
- Omaha-Hi 9max SNG v1.2 TA
- Omaha-Hi 9max Cash v2.5
- Omaha-Hi MTT v3.1 (ft bodog ub)
- Omaha-Hi MTT v3.1 site x
(13) Web WebTurboSngGen2 /+/ Web6maxSNG combo 2 pack.
(14) WebTurboSngGen2 9-10maxNL /+/ Web6maxSNG (turbo/nonturbo) 6maxNL.
(15) Web Cash 6 pack, 6-9maxNL.
- NewWebCash 9maxNL
- CashPre 9maxNL
- NewCash 6maxNL
- Cash9man 9maxNL
- FixedLimit 9maxNL
- WebCash 9maxNL
(16) Web MTT 12 pack.
- MTTproject (ak a WebMTT
- Web Hellmuth mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Harrington Double Stack Mtt 9maxNL.
- Web AggKO 90man KO.
- Web Evelyng Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
- Web Andybloch double stack mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Doyle Double stack mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Gus Double stack mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Hilger Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
- Web Lee Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
- Web Lindgren Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
- Web Negreanu Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
(17) WebSNG 5 pack.
- ChrisFerguson 9/18man NL non Turbo
- AggSNG
- Roy Rounders
- Web1table TurboSNG/NewSitnGo
- Web1tableSNG / Simplestrat
(18) Zulu Grinder 4 pack
- Zulu Grinder
- Zugor
- Shaka
- Foofighter
Templates: Cash, MTT, SNG.
Cash Templates:
- Advanced Holdem Template "Any Street" 22.100 code lines.
- Advanced Holdem Template "Any two streets" 47.000 code lines.
- Advanced Holdem Template "Full PostFlop" 125.700 code lines.
- Chaser 07 Flop/Turn/River code for 6maxNL-10maxNL.
- Holdem Template "6max preflop" 12.194 codeslines.
- Holdem Template "9max preflop" 14.097 codeslines.
MTT Templates:
- Chaser 07 Flop/Turn/River code for 6maxNL-10maxNL.
- Holdem Template "6max preflop" 12.194 codeslines.
- Holdem Template "9max preflop" 14.097 codeslines.
SNG Templates:
- Chaser 07 Flop/Turn/River code for 6maxNL-10maxNL.
- Holdem Template "6max preflop" 12.194 codeslines.
- Holdem Template "9max preflop" 14.097 codeslines.
- Stackhunter 2.0-14 Add on > SNG template.
Software / profile conversions / tools.
- Comp-ID lock removal.
- .PPL2 0 to .txt conversion.
- .TXT to .ppl2.0 conversion.
- Shanky txt / ppl to OpenHoldem .ohf / .oppl conversion.
- Shanky Health-Check software tool.
- Profile-cleaner software tool.
- .TXT format for ShankyBot (all versions).
- .PPL comp id locked or free format for ShankyBot (all versions).
Categories CASH: Cash 6-MaxNL + Cash 9-MaxNL + Cash FL Fixed Limit
Cash 6-Max-NL
- Above EV & Clickz 6maxNL/Speed/Rush
- Bellic 6max-NL.
- Cake Eater 6max-NL.
- Death Punch 6max-NL.
- Dominator/Dominate 6max-NL.
- Firestorm 6max-NL.
- Fish Tilter 6max-NL.
- I-poker Invasion speed (single) 6maxNL.
- I-poker Invasion normal (single) 6maxNL.
- I-poker Invasion (2-pack) 6maxNL.
- Madpoker 6maxNL.
- PokerBrat 6maxNL.
- Retribution 2.0 6maxNL.
- Robotic Lag Rush 6maxRush.
Cash Fixed Limit
- Busto2Robusto FL 6max-FL.
- Chevy FL 6max-FL.
- Klaxter FL LAG 6maxFL.
- Klaxter FL TAG 6maxFL.
- Klaxter FL Normal 6maxFL.
- TensorFLv1.2 6maxFL.
Cash 9-10max-NL
- Agripin 9max-NL.
- Bullets Rush 9max-NL.
- Chevy25NL 9max-NL.
- Disturbed Rush Killler 9max-NL.
- Donkey Nightmare 9max-NL.
- Dutch Project 25NL & Rush25NL & 9maxN.
- Endgame 6-9-10max-NL
- Firestorm Advanced Single profile 9max-NL.
- Firestorm LAG 9max-NL.
- Firestorm NIT 9max-NL.
- Great White 9max-NL.
- I-EndGame 6-9-10maxNL.
- I-EndGame TAG 6-9-10maxNL.
- Micro Monster 9maxNL.
- Micro Stakes Basic 9maxNL.
- Micro Stakes Pro 113 9maxNL.
- Micro Stakes Pro 78 9maxNL.
- Micro Stakes Pro X (MSPX) 9maxNL.
- Millennium 01 Millennium 2maxNL - 10maxNL.
- Millennium 02 Alpha beta Cash 2maxNL-10maxNL.
- Millennium 03 Microstakes alfa beta cash 2maxNL- 10max NL.
- Millennium 05 M-Donkey Style 2maxNL-10maxNL.
- Powerhouse 9maxNL.
- Ringmaster 9maxNL.
- Sc Dogfish 9maxNL.
- Sc Shark 9maxNL.
- Spirit 9maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0: 15 shallow NL cash.
- Stackhunter 2.0: 01 Quad Engine2.0.
- Stackhunter 2.0: 05 add on cash 6maxNL.
- Stackhunter 2.0: 12 add on Shortstack.
- Stackhunter 2.0: 13 add on Heads-UP.
- Stealth Cash 9maxNL.
- The Hunter 9maxNL.
- Titan 9maxNL.
- Web CashPre 9maxNL.
- Web NewCash 9maxNL.
- Web NewWebberCash 9maxNL.
- Web WebberCash 9maxNL.
- Web FL Limit 9maxFL.
- Zoom 5nl 9maxNL.
- Zulu 10nl 9maxNL.
- Foofighter 9maxNL.
- Zulu Grinder 9maxNL.
- Zulu ShakaZulu 9maxNL.
- Zulu Zugor 9maxNL.
Catagories SNG: Sng Non Turbo + Sng Turbo + Sng Super-Turbo + Sng DON + Sng Hyper Turbo + Sng Steps + Sng 2-max SNG + Sng 3-max SNG + Sng 6-max SNG + Sng 9-max SNG + Sng 10-max SNG
- AdReader Crush 9maxNL Turbo & Non Turbo.
- Aibot Bodog 9maxNL.
- Aibot FullTilt 9maxNL.
- Chaser01: ChaserSNG1 6maxNL-10maxNL SNG/MTT.
- Chaser02: ChaserSNG2 6maxNL-10maxNL SNG/MTT.
- Chaser03: Idiot Savant 6maxNL-10maxNL SNG/MTT.
- Chaser04 Chaser SNG40 6maxNL-10maxNL SNG/MTT.
- Chaser06: Mtt&SNGMtt 9maxNL-10maxNL.
- DrMTT steps SNG 9maxNL.
- DrOmaha SuperTurbo 6maxNL.
- Event Horizon 9maxNL en 10maxNL MTT & SNG.
- HeadsUp 2maxNL.
- Invictus 04: 27 man sng single stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 05: 45 man sng single stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 06: 90 man sng double stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 07: 180 man sng single stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 08: 90 man SNG KO double stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Jackal SNGMTT 9maxNL.
- Jackal STEPS 9maxNL.
- KGBv3.79 9maxNL en 10maxNL SNG + MTT.
- Millennium 06: M-Sit&Go 10maxDON + 6maxDON.
- Millennium 07: MG Don 10maxNL.
- Moshman 8max DON.
- Moshman SNG 2 pack 8maxDON+ 9maxSNG.
- Moshman 4 pack (8maxDON+ 9maxSNG) shanky + openholdem.
- Moshman SNG 6maxDON+ 9FR.
- Sonic 2max Hyper-Turbo SNG 19.50 dollar Spin & Win 3max Hyper Turbo SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-01 6max LAG SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-02 6max TAG SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-03 9max TAG SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-04 9max/10max LAG SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-10 DON 10 max SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-11 Steps 10max SNG.
- Stackhunter 2.0-01 Quad Engine2.0.
- Stackhunter 2.0-02 add on> 1 table 6max SNG.
- Stackhunter 2.0-03 add on > 1 table 9max SNG.
- Stackhunter 2.0-06 add on > Don 6 max.
- Stackhunter 2.0-07 add on > Don 10 max.
- Stackhunter 2.0-10 add on > Steps.
- Stackhunter 2.0-13 add on > Heads Up.
- Stealth DON 6maxNL & 10maxNL DON sng.
- Tyson KO 90man 9max SNG.
- UB Killer 9maxNL SNG.
- Web 6maxSNG (Turbo/nonTurbo) 6maxNL.
- Web AggKO 90man KO SNG.
- Web AggSNG 9maxNL.
- Web Chrisferguson 9-10maxNL.
- Web Roy Rounders SNG 9maxNL.
- Web Web1tableNonTurboSng 9maxNL.
- Web Web1table TurboSng 9maxNL
- Web WebTurboSng GEN-2 SNG 9-10maxNL.
- Web WebTurboSNGGen2 & Web6maxSNG combo 2 pack.
Catagories MTT: 6-maxNL MTT, 9-maxNL MTT, 10maxNL MTT, single stack MTT, double stack MTT,
- Bracelet LAG 9maxNL.
- Bracelet TAG 9maxNL.
- Bracelet MTT 9maxNL.
- Butcher MTT 9-10maxNL.
- Chaser 06 MTT & SNGMTT 9-10maxNL.
- DrMTT 9maxNL.
- Event Horizon 9max en 10maxNL MTT.
- Invictus 01 Largefield single stack MTT 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 02: Largefield for double stack MTT 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 03: Donkey Aggr freerolls & low rebuy 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 09: 2.20 mid filed double stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 11: 5.50 mid field double stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 12: FT points MTT, single stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 13: Daily Double, double stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 14: Daily double rebuy, double stack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus 15: Kill Rush 6-9-10maxNL.
- Ivey Wish 9maxNL.
- Jackal MTT 9maxNL.
- Jackal SNGMTT 9maxNL.
- KGBv3.79 Mtt 9-10maxNL.
- Largefield MTT 9maxNL.
- Millinnium 04: Tournament alfa beta 2-6-9-10maxNL.
- Mtt Champ 9maxNL.
- New Killer 9maxNL.
- Optimus 6-9-10maxNL.
- Stackhunter MTT 6-9maxNL.
- Stackhunter SideKick 9maxnl.
- Stackhunter Tournament 9maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0: 05 9max freeroll MTT.
- Stackhunter 1.0: 06 LargeMTT 6maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0: 07 Large Mtt 9maxNL-10 maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0 08 Light MTT 6max.
- Stackhunter 1.0: 09 Light MTT 9maxNL & 10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0: 12 Tournament 6max MTT.
- Stackhunter 1.0: 13 Tournament 9maxNL & 10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0: 14 Tournament MAX, 9maxNL.
- Stackhunter 2.0-01 Quad Engine2.0.
- Stackhunter 2.0-08 add on Freeroll MTT 6-9-10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 2.0-09 add on MTT 6-9-10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 2.0-11 add on Tournament 6-9-10maxNL.
- Stealth MTT 9maxNL en 10maxNL 10 dollar Tournament Pro 9maxNL MTT.
- Tournament Pro X 9maxNL MTT.
- Web Andybloch double stack mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Doyle Double stack mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Evelyng Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
- Web Gus Double stack mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Harrington Double Stack Mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Hellmuth mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Hilger Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
- Web Lee Double stack tourney 9maxNL..
- Web Lindgren Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
- Web WebMtt Tight 9maxNL.
- Web MTT project 6maxNL+ 9maxNL.
- Web Negreanu Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
- Web WebMttAgg 9maxNL.
- Web WebMttAggGen2 9maxNL+ 10maxNL.
- Zulu MTT 9maxNL.
(1) Chaser 7 pack 6-9-10maxNL.
- ChaserSNG-1
- ChaserSNG-2
- Chaser Idiot Savant
- ChaserSNG40
- ChaserSNGipoker6max
- ChaserSNGMTT & MTT profile
- Preflop user tempate
(2) Endgame & i-EndGame 6-9-10maxNL.
(3) Invictus SNG & MTT 15 pack 6-9-10maxNL.
- Invictus Largefield for Single stack tournaments
- Invictus Largefield for Double stack tournaments
- Invictus Donkey aggresive freerolls
- Invictus 27 men SNG, single stack
- Invictus 45 men SNG, single stack
- Invictus 90 men SNG double stack
- Invictus 180 men SNG, single stack
- Invictus 90 men SNG KO double stack
- Invictus $2.20 SNG mid field double stack
- Invictus $2.20 SNG big field double stack
- Invictus $5.50 SNG mid field double stack
- Invictus FT50 point tournament single stack
- Invictus DD double stack
- Invictus DDR singe stack
- Invictus Kill Rush
(4) i-poker Invasion 2 pack.
- Invasion 6maxNL
- Invasion SpeedPoker
(5) Millennium 7 pack.
- Millennium 01 Millennium 2maxNL- 10maxNL 3 50 dollar
- Millennium 02 Alpha beta Cash 2maxNL-10maxNL 3.50 dollar
- Millennium 03 Microstakes alfa beta cash 2maxNL-10maxNL 3.50 dollar
- Millennium 04. Tournament alfa beta 2-6-9-10maxNL 3.50 dollar
- Millennium 05 M-Donkey Style 2maxNL-10maxNL Millennium 06: M-Sit&Go 10maxDON+ 6maxDON 3 50 dollar
- Millennium 07: MG Don 10maxNL 3.50 dollar
6) Moshman SNG 2-pack.
- 6-8max DON SNG
- FR 9maxNL SNG
7) Moshman 4 pack.
- 6-8max DON SNG Shanky
- FR 9maxNL SNG Shanky
- 6-8max DON SNG OpenHoldem
- FR 9maxNL SNG OpenHoldem
(8) Stackhunter 3 pack 6max + 9max NL.
- Tournament 90 man
- Sidekick
(9) Stackhunter1.0-15 pack
- Stackhunter 10-01 6max LAG SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-02 6max TAG SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-03 9max TAG SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-04 9max/10max LAG SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-05 9max freeroll MTT.
- Stackhunter 1.0-06 LargeMTT 6maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0-07 Large Mtt 9maxNL-10 maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0-08 Light MTT 6max.
- Stackhunter 1.0-09 Light MTT 9maxNL & 10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0-10 DON 10 max SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-11 Steps 10max SNG.
- Stackhunter 1.0-12 Tournament 6max MTT.
- Stackhunter 1.0-13 Tournament 9maxNL & 10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0-14 Tournament MAX, 9maxNL.
- Stackhunter 1.0-15 Shallow NL cash.
10) Stackhunter2.0-14 pack
- Stackhunter 2.0-01 Quad Engine2.0.
- Stackhunter 2.0-02 add on 1 table 6max SNG.
- Stackhunter 2.0-03 add on> 1 table 9max SNG.
- Stackhunter 2.0-04 add on cash 9-10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 2.0-05 add on > cash 6max.
- Stackhunter 2.0-06 add on > Don 6 max.
- Stackhunter 2.0-07 add on > Don 10 max.
- Stackhunter 2.0-08 add on Freeroll MTT 6-9-10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 2.0-09 add on MTT 6-9-10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 2.0-10 add on > Steps.
- Stackhunter 2.0-11 add on > Tournament 6-9-10maxNL.
- Stackhunter 20-12 add on > Shortstack.
- Stackhunter 2.0-13 add on > Heads Up.
- Stackhunter 2.0-14 add on > Sng template.
(11) Team Omaha Hi/Lo 7 pack
- Omaha Hi/Lo 9max cash FL v1.3
- Omaha Hi/Lo 9max cash PL v3.4
- Omaha Hi/Lo 9max MTT Limit v1.2
- Omaha Hi/Lo 9max MTT super v3.8
- Omaha Hi/Lo 9max cash NL v1.3
- Royal Hi/Lo 6max cash v1.2
- Royal Omaha Hi/Lo SNG v5.7
(12) Team Omaha-Hi PLO 6 pack
- Omaha-Hi 6max cash v6.2
- Omaha-Hi 9max SNG v1.2 LA
- Omaha-Hi 9max SNG v1.2 TA
- Omaha-Hi 9max Cash v2.5
- Omaha-Hi MTT v3.1 (ft bodog ub)
- Omaha-Hi MTT v3.1 site x
(13) Web WebTurboSngGen2 /+/ Web6maxSNG combo 2 pack.
(14) WebTurboSngGen2 9-10maxNL /+/ Web6maxSNG (turbo/nonturbo) 6maxNL.
(15) Web Cash 6 pack, 6-9maxNL.
- NewWebCash 9maxNL
- CashPre 9maxNL
- NewCash 6maxNL
- Cash9man 9maxNL
- FixedLimit 9maxNL
- WebCash 9maxNL
(16) Web MTT 12 pack.
- MTTproject (ak a WebMTT
- Web Hellmuth mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Harrington Double Stack Mtt 9maxNL.
- Web AggKO 90man KO.
- Web Evelyng Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
- Web Andybloch double stack mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Doyle Double stack mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Gus Double stack mtt 9maxNL.
- Web Hilger Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
- Web Lee Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
- Web Lindgren Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
- Web Negreanu Double stack tourney 9maxNL.
(17) WebSNG 5 pack.
- ChrisFerguson 9/18man NL non Turbo
- AggSNG
- Roy Rounders
- Web1table TurboSNG/NewSitnGo
- Web1tableSNG / Simplestrat
(18) Zulu Grinder 4 pack
- Zulu Grinder
- Zugor
- Shaka
- Foofighter
Templates: Cash, MTT, SNG.
Cash Templates:
- Advanced Holdem Template "Any Street" 22.100 code lines.
- Advanced Holdem Template "Any two streets" 47.000 code lines.
- Advanced Holdem Template "Full PostFlop" 125.700 code lines.
- Chaser 07 Flop/Turn/River code for 6maxNL-10maxNL.
- Holdem Template "6max preflop" 12.194 codeslines.
- Holdem Template "9max preflop" 14.097 codeslines.
MTT Templates:
- Chaser 07 Flop/Turn/River code for 6maxNL-10maxNL.
- Holdem Template "6max preflop" 12.194 codeslines.
- Holdem Template "9max preflop" 14.097 codeslines.
SNG Templates:
- Chaser 07 Flop/Turn/River code for 6maxNL-10maxNL.
- Holdem Template "6max preflop" 12.194 codeslines.
- Holdem Template "9max preflop" 14.097 codeslines.
- Stackhunter 2.0-14 Add on > SNG template.
Software / profile conversions / tools.
- Comp-ID lock removal.
- .PPL2 0 to .txt conversion.
- .TXT to .ppl2.0 conversion.
- Shanky txt / ppl to OpenHoldem .ohf / .oppl conversion.
- Shanky Health-Check software tool.
- Profile-cleaner software tool.